Modern Sidebar
Sidebar with a relaxing animazing as in multiple Awwwards websites.
Sidebar with a relaxing animazing as in multiple Awwwards websites.
This component may require intermediate JS/GSAP skills. Adjust the height/width as per your requirements.
npm i gsap
'use client'
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import gsap from 'gsap'
import Link from 'next/link'
const ModernSidebar = ({MenuItems}) => {
const [hamburger, setHamburger] = useState(true)
useEffect(() => {
const ul = document.querySelector(".ul")
const listItems = ul.querySelectorAll("li")
const background = document.querySelector(".background")
hamburger === true ? (, {
xPercent: 0,
duration: 0.5,
ease: "expo.inOut",
}),, {
xPercent: 0,
duration: 0.5,
ease: "expo.inOut",
onStart: () => {"visibility", "visible") },
stagger: 0.1,
(, {
xPercent: -100,
duration: 0.5,
ease: "expo.inOut",
delay: .5
}),, {
xPercent: -150,
duration: 0.5,
ease: "expo.inOut",
onComplete: () => {"visibility", "hidden") },
stagger: 0.1,
const query = gsap.utils.toArray('li a')
query.forEach((link) => {
const tl = gsap.timeline({
defaults: {
duration: 0.5,
ease: "power4.inOut",
const primary = link.querySelector(".primary")
const secondary = link.querySelector(".secondry")
const line = link.querySelector(".line")
.to(primary, {
y: -200,
.to(secondary, {
y: -60,
}, "<")
.to(line, {
x: 20,
}, "<")
link.addEventListener("mousemove", () => {
link.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {
}, [hamburger])
return (
<div className='container relative flex items-center h-screen text-4xl md:text-6xl text-white'>
<div className='absolute flex text-black -translate-x-1/2 left-1/2'> Content Goes Here. </div>
<div className='z-10 sidebar'>
<div className='absolute flex cursor-pointer top-10 right-10' onClick={() => { setHamburger(!hamburger)}}>
<div className={`p-2 rounded-md
transition-all duration-500 delay-100 ease-in-out
${hamburger ? "text-white hover:bg-neutral-800" : "text-black hover:bg-neutral-200"}
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor"
strokeWidth="2" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" className="lucide lucide-menu"><line x1="4" x2="20" y1="12"
y2="12"/><line x1="4" x2="20" y1="6" y2="6"/><line x1="4" x2="20" y1="18" y2="18"/></svg>
<ul className='flex flex-col md:pl-10 transition-colors duration-50 ul gap-y-8 md:gap-y-16'>
<li className='overflow-hidden'>
<Link href={MenuItems[0].link} className='relative flex flex-col overflow-hidden md:h-[60px]'>
<div className='absolute bg-white opacity-75 min-w-10 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 -left-10 min-h-0.5 line'></div>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 primary'>{MenuItems[0].name}</p>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 secondry invisible md:visible absolute md:relative'>{MenuItems[0].name}</p>
<li className='overflow-hidden'>
<Link href={`${MenuItems[2].link}`} className='relative flex flex-col overflow-hidden md:h-[60px]'>
<div className='absolute bg-white opacity-75 min-w-10 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 -left-10 min-h-0.5 line'></div>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 primary'>{MenuItems[1].name}</p>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 secondry invisible md:visible absolute md:relative'>{MenuItems[1].name}</p>
<li className='overflow-hidden'>
<Link href={`${MenuItems[2].link}`} className='relative flex flex-col overflow-hidden md:h-[60px]'>
<div className='absolute bg-white opacity-75 min-w-10 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 -left-10 min-h-0.5 line'></div>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 primary'>{MenuItems[2].name}</p>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 secondry invisible md:visible absolute md:relative'>{MenuItems[2].name}</p>
<li className='overflow-hidden'>
<Link href={`${MenuItems[2].link}`} className='relative flex flex-col overflow-hidden md:h-[60px]'>
<div className='absolute bg-white opacity-75 min-w-10 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 -left-10 min-h-0.5 line'></div>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 primary'>{MenuItems[3].name}</p>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 secondry invisible md:visible absolute md:relative'>{MenuItems[3].name}</p>
<li className='overflow-hidden'>
<Link href={`${MenuItems[2].link}`} className='relative flex flex-col overflow-hidden md:h-[60px]'>
<div className='absolute bg-white opacity-75 min-w-10 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 -left-10 min-h-0.5 line'></div>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 primary'>{MenuItems[4].name}</p>
<p className='md:pl-8 pl-3 secondry invisible md:visible absolute md:relative'>{MenuItems[4].name}</p>
<div className='absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full h-full bg-black background'></div>
export default ModernSidebar